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Saturday 16 November 2013

World Peace

WORLD PEACE!!! It brings to mind the story of the man who wanted to change the world and went for an elder’s advice. The elder advised him to start with himself if he was going to change the world. He didn’t understand.
He went back home and tried changing the world but could not, so he decided to change his continent but could not. He tried his own country but could not. He tried his State, then his Local Government Area, but still could not change anything. He tried to change his neighbours but yet could not. He later decided to change his family – his wife and children and still could not. So he decided to change himself.
He was able to achieve this and because
of the changes in his life, the family changed, the neighbours followed, the Local Government, the State, Country, the continent and finally the World changed in turn.
If everyone is seeking to achieve such a difficult task, why don’t we start with the small task of changing, first of all, ourselves?
World Peace is an ideal of freedom, peace and happiness among and within all nations. It is the professed ambition of many past and present world leaders.
You definitely have heard of World War before! There have been 2 of them since 1914. The first, which broke out in Europe in 1914 had over 40 million casualties including the death of 20 million civilians and military men.
One of the major striking results of the war was a large redrawing of the map of Europe because all the central powers lost territory and many new nations were created. In addition, a major influenza epidemic started in Western Europe in the later months of the war which killed millions in Europe and then spread around the world. Overall, the Spanish flu killed at least 50 million people.
And for the Second World War, over 70 million died, the majority of which were civilians. It was the deadliest and the most expensive war ever fought: the complete economic, industrial and scientific capabilities of participating nations were harnessed towards the war.
We have heard of World War twice but we are yet to have World Peace even for a day.
Do you seek to change the world? Let me suggest five ways you can achieve this, but it all begin with YOU:

  1. Start contributing positively by avoiding street fighting
  2. Drive carefully
  3. Be kind to others
  4. Be courteous, and
  5.  Pray for others.

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